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Hunc sese ulturum spondens Gerwitus adivit, | Hunc: Patavrid
SSSSDS Elision: sese ulturum |
Qui forti subvectus equo supra volat omnem | 915 | Aeneid 8.58: remis. . .subvectus. . . ‘Impelled by your oars. . .’ Georgics 1.364: altam supra volat ardea nubem. ‘It soars aloft above the clouds.’
SSDSDS | |||
Stragem, quae angustam concluserat obvia callem. | Aeineid 4.405: convectant calle angusto. ‘They carry it on a narrow track.’
SSSDDS Elision: quae angustam |
Et dum bellipotens recidisset colla iacentis, | Bellipotens: Waltharius Recidisset: the i ought to be long. Iacentis: Patavrid
Aeineid 11.8: bellipotens. . . ‘Lord of War. . .’
SDDSDS | |||
Venit et ancipitem vibravit in ora bipennem. | Aeineid 11.651: dextra rapit indefessa bipennem. ‘She snatches a stout battle axe with unwearied grasp.’ 7.525: ferro ancipiti decernunt. ‘With two-edged steel they try the issue.’
DDSDDS | ||||
Istius ergo modi Francis tunc arma fuere.) | Ergo: cf. line 442 and note.
DDSSDS | ||||
Vir celer obiecit peltam frustravit et ictum, | 920 | Aeineid 2.443-444.: clipeosque ad tela sinistris/ protecti obiciunt. ‘With left hands they hold up protecting shields against the darts.’
DSSSDS | |||
Ac retro saliens hastam rapiebat amicam | Hastam…amicam: put down at line 909
SDSDDS | ||||
Sanguineumque ulva viridi dimiserat ensem. | Eclogue 8.87: viridi procumbit in ulva. ‘She sinks down in the green sedge.’
DSDSDS Elision: sanguineumque ulva |
Hic vero metuenda virum tum bella videres. | Eclogue 6.27: tum vero. . .videres. . . ‘Then indeed you might see. . .’
SDDSDS | ||||
Sermo quidem nullus fuit inter Martia tela: | Statius, Thebaid 7.460: Martia tela. . . ‘Their weapons of war. . .’ Eclogue 9.12: tela inter Martia. . . ‘Amid the weapons of war. . .’
DSDSDS | ||||
Sic erat adverso mens horum intenta duello. | 925 | DSSSDS Elision: horum intenta |
Is furit, ut caesos mundet vindicta sodales, | DSSSDS | |||||
Ille studet vitam toto defendere nisu | SDSDDS | |||||
Et, si fors dederit, palmam retinere triumphi. | Aeneid 2.94: fors siqua tulisset. . . ‘If any chance should offer. . .’
SDSDDS | ||||
Hic ferit, ille cavet, petit ille, reflectitur iste: | DDDDDS | |||||
Ad studium fors et virtus miscentur in unum | 930 | Aeineid 12.714: fors et virtus miscentur in unum. ‘Chance and valour blend into one.’
DSSSDS | |||
Longa tamen cuspis breviori depulit hostem | DSDSDS | |||||
Armatum telo, girat sed et ille caballum | Telo equiv. to bipenni
Aeneid 11.694-695.: Orsilochum fugiens magnumque agitata per orbem/ eludit gyro interior sequiturque sequentem. ‘As she flees Orsilochus and is chased in a wide circle, she foils him, wheels into an inner ring and pursues the pursuer.’
SSSDDS | |||
Atque fatigatum cupiebat fallere homonem. | DSDSDS Elision: fallere homonem |
Iam magis atque magis irarum mole gravatus | Aeneid 12.239: iam magis atque magis. . . ‘Yet more and more. . .’
DDSSDS False quantities: magis |
Waltharius clipeum Gerwiti sustulit imum, | 935 | Aeineid 10.588-589.: subit oras hasta per imas/ fulgentibus clipei, tum laevum perforat inguen. ‘The spear comes through the lowest rim of his gleaming shield, then pierces the left groin.’ 10.730-731.: sternitur infelix Acron et calcibus atram/ tundit. ‘Down goes hapless Acron and hammers the black ground with his heels.’
DDSSDS | |||
Transmissoque femur penetraverat inguine ferrum. | Transmisso equiv. to transfixo Ferrum: subject
Aeineid 10.588-589.: subit oras hasta per imas/ fulgentibus clipei, tum laevum perforat inguen. ‘The spear comes through the lowest rim of his gleaming shield, then pierces the left groin.’ 10.730-731.: sternitur infelix Acron et calcibus atram/ tundit. ‘Down goes hapless Acron and hammers the black ground with his heels.’
SDDDDS | |||
Qui post terga ruens clamorem prodidit atrum | SDSSDS | |||||
Exitiumque dolens pulsabat calcibus arvum. | Aeineid 10.404: caedit semianimis Rutulorum calcibus arva. ‘In death he spurns with his heels the Rutulian fields.’ 10.849-850.: heu nunc misero mihi demum/ exilium (exitium) infelix. ‘Alas! Now at last I know, wretch that I am, the bitterness of exile.’
DDSSDS | ||||
Hunc etiam truncum caesa cervice reliquit. | DSSSDS | |||||
Idem Wormatiae campis comes extitit ante. | 940 | Idem: Gerwitus – an elegiac conclusion.
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