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2nd single combat: Walther slays Kimo/Scaramund, Camalo’s nephew (686–719)
Et dum forte nepos conspexerat hoc Camalonis, | SDSDDS | |||||
Filius ipsius Kimo cognomine fratris, | Kimo: possibly equiv. to Kimonis, thus supplying the name of Camalo’s brother, but more likely a genuine cognomen of Scaramund.
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Quem referunt quidam Scaramundum nomine dictum, | Aeineid 9.387-388.: . . .qui post Albae de nomine dicti/ Albani. ‘. . .Which was later called Alban from Alba’s name.’
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Ingemit et lacrimis compellat tristior omnes: | DDSSDS | |||||
Haec me prae cunctis heu respicit actio rerum. | 690 | Aeneid 10.441-442.: tempus desistere pugnae;/ solus ego in Pallanta feror, soli mihi Palas/ debetur. ‘It is time to stand aside from battle; I alone attack Pallas; to me alone Pallas is due.’
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Nunc aut commoriar vel carum ulciscar amicum.' | Aeneid 10.441-442.: tempus desistere pugnae;/ solus ego in Pallanta feror, soli mihi Palas/ debetur. ‘It is time to stand aside from battle; I alone attack Pallas; to me alone Pallas is due.’
SDSSDS Elision: carum ulciscar |
Namque angusta loci solum concurrere soli | Althof ad loc. remarks incredulously that for Waltharius this is really “a first-rate defensive position!” But he also points out (in his note on line 664) that the individual combats are more than an artificial plot device, in fact reflecting the mentality of the heroic warrior who strives for his own kleos in the Homeric sense.
Aeineid 2.332: obsedere alii telis angusta viarum. ‘Others with weapons have barred the narrow ways.’ 11.522-523.: est curvo anfractu valles, accommoda fraudi/ armorumque dolis. ‘There is a valley with sweeping curve, fit site for the stratagems and deceits of war.’ Aeineid 12.315: mihi ius concurrere soli. ‘I alone have the right to do battle.’
SDSSDS Elision: namque angusta |
Cogebant, nec quisquam alii succurrere quivit. | SSDSDS Elision: quisquam alii |
Advolat infelix Scaramundus iam moriturus, | Aeineid 10.896: advolat Aeneas. ‘Aeneas rushes up.’ 10.781: sternitur infelix. He falls, unlucky man.’ 2.511: fertur moriturus in hostes. ‘He rushes to his death among his foes.’
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Bina manu lato crispans hastilia ferro. | 695 | Aeineid 1.313; 12.165: bina manu lato crispans hastilia ferro.’Grasping in hand two shafts, tipped with broad steel. . .’
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Qui dum Waltharium nullo terrore videret | Nullo terrore: with permotum in the next line
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Permotum fixumque loco consistere in ipso, | SSDSDS Elision: consistere in |
Sic ait infrendens et equinam vertice caudam | Equinam…caudam: the horse-hair crest of his helmet
Statius, Thebaid 9.446: sic ait infrendens. ‘So spake he, gnashing his teeth.’ Prudentius, Psychomachia 117: hirsutas quatiens galeato in vertice cristas. . . ‘Tossing the shaggy crests on her helmeted head. . .’ Aeineid 10.869: caput. . .cristaque hirsutus equina. . . ‘His head bristling with horsehair plume. . .’
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Concutiens: 'in quo fidis? vel quae tua spes est? | DSSSDS | |||||
Non ego iam gazam nec rerum quidque tuarum | 700 | Quidque equiv. to quidquam
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Appeto, sed vitam cognati quaero perempti.' | DSSSDS | |||||
Ille dehinc: 'si convincar, quod proelia primus | Quod: cf. note on line 606.
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Temptarim, seu quid merui, quod talia possim | Quod equiv. to ut
Aeineid 2.334-235.: vix primi proelia temptant/ portarum vigiles. ‘Scarce do the first guards of the gates essay battle.’
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Jure pati, absque mora tua me transverberet hasta.' | Aeineid 2.334-235.: vix primi proelia temptant/ portarum vigiles. ‘Scarce do the first guards of the gates essay battle.’
DDDSDS Elision: pati absque |
Necdum sermonem concluserat, en Scaramundus | 705 | Aeineid 10.882-883.: dixit, telumque intorsit in hostem; inde aliud super atque aliud figitque volatque/ ingenti gyro, sed sustinet aureus umbo. ‘He spoke, and hurled a javelin at his foe; then plants another and yet another, wheeling in wide circle; but the boss of gold withstands them.’
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Unum de binis hastile retorsit in illum | Aeineid 10.882-883.: dixit, telumque intorsit in hostem; inde aliud super atque aliud figitque volatque/ ingenti gyro, sed sustinet aureus umbo. ‘He spoke, and hurled a javelin at his foe; then plants another and yet another, wheeling in wide circle; but the boss of gold withstands them.’
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Confestimque aliud. quorum celeberrimus heros | SDSDDS Elision: confestimque aliud |
Unum devitat, quatit ex umbone secundum. | SSDSDS | |||||
Tunc aciem gladii promens Scaramundus acuti | DDSDDS | |||||
Proruit in iuvenem cupiens praescindere frontem, | 710 | DDDSDS | ||||
Effrenique in equo propius devectus ad illum | Effreni: a third-declension variant form of effrenus
Prudentius, Psychomachia 179: effreni volitabat equo. ‘She was galloping about on a mettled steed.’
SDDSDS Elision: effrenique in |
Non valuit capiti libratum infindere vulnus, | Vulnus equiv. to gladium
Aeineid 5.509-510.: avem contingere ferro/ non valuit. ‘He could not hit the bird herself with the bolt.’ Eclogue 4.33: telluri infindere sulcos. . . ‘To cleave the earth with furrows. . .’
DDSSDS Elision: libratum infindere |
Sed capulum galeae impegit; dedit illa resultans | Capulum: Scaramund mistimes the blow to his moving target and strikes Waltharius’s helmet with the handle of his sword, not the blade.
Prudentius, Psychomachia 141: tinnitum percussa refert. ‘It resounds under the blow.’
DDSDDS Elision: galeae impegit |
Tinnitus ignemque simul transfudit ad auras. | Prudentius, Psychomachia 141: tinnitum percussa refert. ‘It resounds under the blow.’
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Sed non cornipedem potuit girare superbum, | 715 | Girare equiv. to gyrare, “to turn around,” transitive.
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Donec Waltharius sub mentum cuspidis ictum | Aeineid 10.346-347.: advenit et rigida Dryopem ferit eminus hasta/ sub mentum graviter pressa, pariterque loquentis/ vocem animamque rapit traiecto gutture. ‘He comes and from a distance smites Dryops under the chin with his stiff shaft driven with force, and piercing his throat robs him, as he speaks, of voice and life together.’
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Fixerat et sella moribundum sustulit alta. | Aeineid 10.346-347.: advenit et rigida Dryopem ferit eminus hasta/ sub mentum graviter pressa, pariterque loquentis/ vocem animamque rapit traiecto gutture. ‘He comes and from a distance smites Dryops under the chin with his stiff shaft driven with force, and piercing his throat robs him, as he speaks, of voice and life together.’
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Qui caput orantis proprio mucrone recidens | Proprio mucrone: the phrase at first glance suggests a last-minute suicide, but it is perhaps more likely that qui refers to Waltharius, and proprio equiv. to suo. Recidens: note the long i.
Prudentius, Psychomachia 282-283.: tunc caput orantis flexa cervice resectum/ eripit. ‘Then, though she begs for mercy, she bends the neck and severs the head.’ Aeineid 10.535-536.: sic fatus galeam laeva tenet atque reflexa/ cervice orantis capulo tenus applicat ensem. ‘So speaking, he grasps the helmet with his left hand and, bending back the suppliant’s neck, drives the sword in up to the hilt.’ 10.554-555.: tum caput orantis nequiquam. . .deturbat. ‘Then he strikes the head of him vainly pleading.’
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Fecit cognatum pariter fluitare cruorem. | Cognatum…cruorem: i.e., Scaramund’s blood beside his uncle’s
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