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|[[[quid1|Quid]] [[cessemus]]', [[ait]], '[[si]] [[bella]] [[movere]] [[nequimus]]?
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Revision as of 17:26, 26 August 2009

Postquam complevit pactum statuitque tributum, 75  SSSDDS 
Attila in occiduas promoverat agmina partes.  DDSDDS
Elision: Attila in
Namque Aquitanorum tunc Alphere regna tenebat,  Aquitanorum: The region of Aquitaine is in present-day south-western France.
Alphere: Apparently legendary.


 Aeneid 7.735: . . .Teleboum Capreas cum regna teneret. ‘. . .When he reigned over Teleboan Capreae.’


Elision: namque Aquitanorum
Quem sobolem sexus narrant habuisse virilis,  DSSDDS 
Nomine Waltharium, primaevo flore nitentem.  Waltharium: The protagonist of the epic; apparently legendary.


 Aeineid 7.162: primaevo flore iuventus. . . ‘Youths in their early bloom. . .’ Statius, Silvae 5.1.183: vidi omni pridem te flore nitentem. ‘I have seen thee in the full splendour of they fame.’


Nam iusiurandum Heriricus et Alphere reges 80  SSDDDS
Hiatus: iusiurandum Heriricus
Inter se dederant, pueros quod consociarent,  Pueros quod consociarent: “that they would unite their children,” i.e., Waltharius and Hiltgunt, in marriage. Quod + subjunctive here replaces, as often, the Classical accusative + infinitive construction.


Cum primum tempus nubendi venerit illis.  SSSSDS 
Hic ubi cognovit gentes has esse domatas,  DSSSDS 
Coeperat ingenti cordis trepidare pavore,  Aeneid 6.491: ingenti trepidare metu. ‘They trembled with a mighty fear.’ 2.685: nos pavidi trepidare metu. . . ‘We, trembling with alarm. . .’ 7.458: olli somnum ingens rumpit pavor. ‘A monstrous terror broke his sleep.’ Lucan, De Bello Civili 5.530: nullo trepidare tumultu. . . ‘To thrill with no alarm. . .’


Nec iam spes fuerat saevis defendier armis. 85  Aeneid 8.492-493.: ille inter caedem Rutulorum elapsus in agros/ confugere et Turni defendier hospitis armis. ‘Amid the carnage, he flees for refuge to Rutulian soil and find shelter among the weapons of Turnus his friend.’ 12.890: saevis certandum est comminus armis. ‘We must contend hand to hand with savage weapons.’


'Quid cessemus', ait, 'si bella movere nequimus?  Aeineid 6.820: nova bella moventis. . . ‘Stirring up revolt. . .’ 12.332-333.: sanguineus Mavors clipeo increpat atque furentis/ bella movens immittit equos. ‘Blood-stained Mavors, stirred to fury, thunders with his shield and, rousing war, gives rein to his frenzied steeds.’


Exemplum nobis Burgundia, Francia donant.  SSSDDS 
Non incusamur, si talibus aequiperamur.  SSSDDS 
Legatos mitto foedusque ferire iubebo  Aeineid 10.154: foedusque ferit. ‘He strikes a treaty.’


Obsidis inque vicem dilectum porrigo natum 90  Obsidis in vicem equiv. to pro obside


Et iam nunc Hunis censum persolvo futurum.'  SSSSDS 
Sed quid plus remorer? dictum compleverat actis.  Aeineid 2.102: quidve moror? ‘Why do I delay?’ Liber Numerorum 11.23: iam nunc videbis utrum meus sermo opere conpleatur. ‘Thou shalt presently se whether my word shall come to pass or no.’



« previous  
  • Prologue
  • Introduction: the Huns (1–12)
  • The Huns (13–418)
    • The Franks under Gibich surrender to Attila, giving Hagen as a hostage (13–33)
    • The Burgundians under Hereric surrender to Attila, giving Hildegund as a hostage (34–74)
    • The Aquitainians under Alphere surrender to Attila, giving Walther as a hostage (75–92)
    • Experience of the hostages at Attila’s court (93–115)
    • Death of Gibich, flight of Hagen (116–122)
    • Attila’s queen Ospirin advises her husband to ensure Walther’s loyalty by arranging a marriage (123–141)
    • Walther rejects Attila’s offer of a bride (142–169)
    • Walther leads the army of the Huns to victory in battle (170–214)
    • The Escape (215–418)
      • Walther returns from battle and encounters Hildegund (215–255)
      • Walther reveals to Hildegund his plans for escaping with Attila’s treasure (256–286)
      • Walther hosts a luxurious banquet for Attila’s court; eventually all his intoxicated guests fall asleep (287–323)
      • Flight of Walther and Hildegund from Attila’s court (324–357)
      • The following day, the escape of Walther and Hildegund is discovered by Ospirin (358–379)
      • Attila is infuriated and vows revenge on Walther, but can find no one willing to dare to pursue him, even for a large reward (380–418)
  • The Single Combats (419–1061)
    • Diplomacy (419–639)
      • Flight of Walther and Hildegund to the area of Worms (419–435)
      • Gunther, King of the Franks, learns of Walther’s presence on his territory and, despite Hagen’s warnings, decides to pursue him for his treasure (436–488)
      • Walther makes his camp in a mountainous area and goes to sleep (489–512)
      • Gunther and his companions approach Walther’s camp; Hagen unsuccessfully tries to dissuade the king from attacking it (513–531)
      • Hildegund sees the Franks approaching and wakes Walther, who calms her fears and prepares for battle; he recognizes Hagen from a distance (532–571)
      • Hagen persuades Gunther to try diplomacy before using force (571–580)
      • Camalo is sent as a messenger to Walther, who offers to make Gunther a gift in return for allowing his passage (581–616)
      • Hagen counsels Gunther to accept the offer, but Gunther rejects this advice, calling him a coward. Insulted, Hagen goes off to a nearby hill (617–639)
    • Combat (640–1061)
      • 1st single combat: Camalo is sent back to Walther, who slays him (640–685)
      • 2nd single combat: Walther slays Kimo/Scaramund, Camalo’s nephew (686–719)
      • Gunther encourages his men (720–724)
      • 3rd single combat: Walther slays Werinhard, a descendant of the Trojan Pandarus (725–753)
      • 4th single combat: Walther slays the Saxon Ekivrid, after an exchange of insults (754–780)
      • 5th single combat: Walther slays Hadawart, after an exchange of insults (781–845)
      • Hagen sees his nephew Patavrid going off to fight Walther and laments the evil wreaked on mankind by greed (846–877)
      • 6th single combat: after trying to dissuade him from fighting, Walther slays Patavrid (878–913)
      • 7th single combat: Walther slays Gerwitus (914–940)
      • Gunther again encourages his men, giving Walther some time to rest (941–961)
      • 8th single combat: Walther is shorn of his hair by Randolf, whom he then slays (962–981)
      • Walther is attacked by Eleuthir/Helmnot, assisted by Trogus, Tanastus, and Gunther; he slays all but Gunther (981–1061)
  • The Final Combat (1062–1452)
    • Gunther tries to persuade Hagen to help him to defeat Waltharius; remembering his wounded honor, Hagen refuses (1062–1088)
    • Hagen changes his mind and agrees to help Gunther, but advises that they must lie low wait until Walther comes down from the mountains into open ground (1089–1129)
    • Walther decides to spend the night in the mountains. He rematches the severed heads with the bodies of his victims, prays for their souls, then sleeps (1130–1187)
    • The following day, Walther and Hildegund set out from the mountains, taking the horses and arms of the defeated warriors (1188–1207)
    • Hildegund perceives Gunther and Hagen approaching to attack; the king addresses Walther (1208–1236)
    • Walther ignores Gunther and pleads with Hagen to remember the bond of their childhood friendship; Hagen counters that Walther has already broken their faith by slaying Patavrid (1237–1279)
    • The fight begins and continues for seven hours; Gunther foolishly tries to retrieve a thrown spear from the ground near Walther and is only saved from death by Hagen’s brave intervention (1280–1345)
    • Walther challenges Hagen; he severs Gunther’s leg, but Hagen again saves the king’s life (1346–1375)
    • Hagen cuts off Walther’s right hand; Walther gouges out one of Hagen’s eyes and, cutting open his cheek, knocks out four teeth (1376–1395)
    • Having wounded each other, the warriors end the battle, drink together, and engage in a friendly exchange of humorous taunt (1396–1442)
    • The warriors return to their respective homes; Walther marries Hildegund and eventually becomes king of the Aquitainians (1443–1452)
  • Epilogue (1453–1456) 
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