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Hagen persuades Gunther to try diplomacy before using force (571–580)

When Hagen saw that Walter was ensconced in such
A stronghold, to his haughty lord he said these words
At once: “My lord, desist from challenging this man
In war! First have men go and find out everything, 575
His lineage, his home, his name, the place he left.
Perhaps he may seek peace by giving gold without
Bloodshed; by his response we can identify
The man. If Walter is the one who tarries there—
He is a prudent man—he may yield to your rank.” 580

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Note: this English text is identical to that found in Waltharius and Ruodlieb, edited and translated by Dennis M. Kratz. The Garland library of medieval literature, Series A, vol. 14. New York: Garland Pub., 1984.