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|{{Comment| Throughout the early stages of the poem Attila and Ospirin do appear to do all they can to essentially adopt these children. Cf. line 165 in which Walther addresses Attila as "Pater optime" in response to the offer of a bride.}}
|[[Virginis]] [[et]] [[curam]] [[reginam]] [[mandat]] [[habere]],
|[[Virginis]] [[et]] [[curam]] [[reginam]] [[mandat]] [[habere]],

Revision as of 02:12, 12 December 2009

Experience of the hostages at Attila’s court (93–115)

Tunc Avares gazis onerati denique multis  
Obsidibus sumptis Haganone, Hiltgunde puella  DSDSDS
Elision: H-ELISION: Haganone Hiltgunde
Nec non Walthario redierunt pectore laeto. 95  Lucan, De Bello Civili 9.1039: effudit gemitusque expressit pectore lateo. ‘He shed tears and forced out groans while his heart rejoiced.’


Attila Pannonias ingressus et urbe receptus  Urbe receptus: Attila’s dwelling-place is not named in the Waltharius. The Roman historian Jordanes (Getica 34) locates it on the Tisza River, while the Nibelungenlied, by Althof’s interpretation, identifies it with Budapest (on the Danube).


 Ovid, Metamorphoses 7.516: urbe receptus. . . ‘When I visited your city. . .’


Exulibus pueris magnam exhibuit pietatem  Pietatem: “kindness” – in Medieval Latin the word loses some of its lofty Virgilian resonances.


Elision: magnam exhibuit
Ac veluti proprios nutrire iubebat alumnos.  DDSDDS    Throughout the early stages of the poem Attila and Ospirin do appear to do all they can to essentially adopt these children. Cf. line 165 in which Walther addresses Attila as "Pater optime" in response to the offer of a bride. 
Virginis et curam reginam mandat habere,  DSSSDS 
Ast adolescentes propriis conspectibus ambos 100  Propriis conspectibus equiv. to ante suos oculos


  Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’

Actus Apostolorum 10.33: nunc ergo omnes nos in conspectu tuo adsumus. ‘Now therefore all we are present in they sight.’  

Semper adesse iubet, sed et artibus imbuit illos   Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Praesertimque iocis belli sub tempore habendis.  Iocis belli sub tempore habendis: “in the practice of warlike games appropriate to their ages.” Tac. Germ. 24 documents the use of play in the training of Germanic warriors.


  Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Elision: H-ELISION: tempore habendis
Qui simul ingenio crescentes mentis et aevo   Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’

Secundum Lucam 2.52: et Iesus proficiebat sapientia aetate. ‘And Jesus advanced in wisdom and age.’  

Robore vincebant fortes animoque sophistas,   Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Donec iam cunctos superarent fortiter Hunos. 105   Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Militiae primos tunc Attila fecerat illos,   Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Sed haud immerito, quoniam, si quando moveret   Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Bella, per insignes isti micuere triumphos;  Isti: the pronoun iste in Medieval Latin loses its Classical 2nd-person/disdainful connotations and is practically equivalent to ille.


  Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Idcircoque nimis princeps dilexerat ambos.   Danihel Propheta 1.19: steterunt in conspectu regis. ‘They stood in the king’s presence.’ Liber Regum I 18.5: egrediebatur quoque David ad omnia quaecumque misisset eum Saul et prudenter se agebat; posuitque eum Saul super viros belli. ‘And David went out to whatsoever business Saul sent him, and he behaved himself prudently; and Saul set him over the soldiers.’ 18.13: et fecit eum tribunum super mille viros. ‘And he made him a captain over a thousand men.’ 18.17 dixitque Saul ad David: ecce filia mea maior Merob ipsam dabo tibi uxorem tantummodo esto vir fortis et proeliare bella domini. ‘And Saul said to David: Behold my elder daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: only be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the Lord.’


Virgo etiam captiva deo praestante supremo 110  DSDSDS
Elision: virgo etiam
Reginae vultum placavit et auxit amorem,  Liber Regum I 13.12: faciem domini non placavi. ‘I have not appeased the face of the Lord.’


Moribus eximiis operumque industria habundans.  DDDSDS
Elision: operumque industria; H-ELISION: industria habundans
Postremum custos thesauris provida cunctis  SSSSDS 
Efficitur, modicumque deest, quin regnet et ipsa;  Modicum deest quin: “it was almost the case that”


Nam quicquid voluit de rebus, fecit et actis. 115  SDSSDS 

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